Monday, July 31, 2006

Pa, on a regular Saturday night

He was sitting comfortably, with his snow white beard neatly combed - the signs of war, freedom and hope all finding expression in his forehead, face and demeanour. On his lap sat his granddaughter, not yet three but attentively listening to every word he spoke. As if she understood - as if she could grasp the depth of the tragedies recounted for the umpteenth time at the same place at the same time, each week.
Next to him, Ma was trying to concentrate on the latest fashion magazine, whilst making sure the kid on her husband's lap was having her fill. Sarah, seventeen was sitting opposite her and drinking her father's words as if she heard it the first time in her life.
No, he wasn't reading from a book, for the book is yet to be written. He was narrating his own and his family's deliverance from the clutches of the Nazi beast during the dark years between 1938-1945.
From here, it's up to you to tkae up the story. just sit down and write a list of: Names, Places, Dates, Events and start 'weaving' them together. The rest will follow. Once you have added a few pages into this BLOG, we will enlist the help of the other siblings. Just get started on it right a way! Don't delay even for one day!
Menasche Beck
31 July 2006, 6 Av 5766.