Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Reb Yekele of Oshpitzin

Reb Yekele of Oshpitzin was the Dayan in Oshpitzin and the Rov of Kshanov.
He was one of the most prominent Rabbonim of his time, the generation of Torah giants like the Chasam Sofer and the Sanze Rebbe.
He wrote many Chidushim on the Torah and on Shas, that were published by his children.
Many family members were killed during the holocaust but his descendants that survived managed to rebuild beautiful families and communities.
Some of his descendants were sadly killed in recent years, having been murdered by Arabs; one Einekel, was shot in middle of his learning at Yeshivas Mercaz HaRav Kook
Another one - Miriam Scharf (a descendant by marriage) wife of Rabbi Shmuel Scharf was killed when a rocket hit the apartment she was staying in Kiryat Malakhi
There are currently (November 2015) about 2,500 - as of November 2023, 4,500 descendants in the world, from amongst them there are some in Belz, some in Bobov, some in Sadigura and some in Chabad.
Yonadav Chaim Hirshfeld 18 Kokhav HaShahar

Pictures: by Netanel Kind in 

עליה לציונו של הסבא ר' משה יעקב "ר' יעקעלע" שארף, באושפיצין

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

יונדב חיים הירשפלד, הי"ד

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: oferiko
Date: 2008-03-09 2:02 GMT+00:00
Subject: Yonadav Chaim Hirschfeld, Hy"D - יונדב חיים הירשפלד, הי"ד
שלום אנשים, מכרים, וידידים
Shalom to all,
אנא קחו כמה רגעים, להתייחד עם זכרו של יונדב חיים הירשפלד, הי"ד
דודן שלי, שנרצח אתמול (6 למרץ 2008) בירושלים
Please take few moments, to remember Yonadav Chaim Hirschfeld, Hy"D
- a cousin of mine, that was murdered last night (March 6th 2008) in Jerusalem 
ברוך דיין האמת
Yonadav's father is my 5th degree cousin... and Yonadav's mother is my sister-in-law's 1st cousin.
May God Bless his memory
Only Good, Bsorot Tovot,
רק טוב,
Dear all,

This boy was an einikel of Hirschfeld from Tel Aviv, who was the eydem of our Savta Beck's nephew Petzenbaum.


Time iZmani - use it properly