Wednesday, January 21, 2015

My letter, following the article that was published in the HaModia

Re: Captain Monheit
Mr Monheit was a Heaven-sent Shaliach to help our family cross the French border into Switzerland, which - in those perilous days - was literally a life saver. 
Although my late grandfather R' Getzel Beck z"l may have had an opportunity to thank him after the war, we would like - through the pages of HaModia - to practice הכרת טובה to the captain for throwing caution to the wind in his quest to save as many Yiddishe refugees as was possible.
In the name of Families Beck (Bene Beraq, London & Antwerp ), Landau (Sao Paulo), Kluger (London) & Goldberg (Edgware) and hundreds of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, I hereby salute the Captain and wish Chaplain Monheit Yiddishe Nachas and a healthy long life ad 120.
Menasche Scharf (Beck)

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